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There are a growing number of resources about multi-level marketing and related topics which you may find helpful.

| Books & Theatre | Documentaries & videosArticles & reports | Scholarly research | Podcasts | Activists, writers, researchers & groups | Events | International resources & articles |

Books & Theatre

Documentaries & Videos

Articles & reports

Scholarly research


Activists, writers, researchers & groups

We believe in sharing the work of other anti-MLMers; however, inclusion on this list does not imply an official connection with or endorsement by the Coalition.

Many of those listed below have multiple social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok etc), which can be discovered via their links below:


Multilevel Marketing: The Consumer Protection Challenge Conference, 2023 (2022, 2021)
Hosted by The College of New Jersey School of Business
Includes videos of conference presentations

International resources & articles*

Non-English pages on our website:

Resources elsewhere:

* Arranged alphabetically by language. If you run an anti-MLM group or website in your country, or have links to online articles on this topic to share, please contact us. We are especially keen to add non-English resources.

Last updated: 2 March 2024


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