Traduzione ispirata all’articolo pubblicato in inglese: Network marketing / Multi Level Marketing (MLM)/ marketing multilivello, in qualsiasi modo tu
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Traduzione ispirata all’articolo pubblicato in inglese: Network marketing / Multi Level Marketing (MLM)/ marketing multilivello, in qualsiasi modo tu
Continue readingTraduction libre et inspiré de l’article paru en version anglaise MLM définition: La vente multiniveau ou, selon qui l’emploie, marketing
Continue readingIf you are in multi-level marketing, please stop claiming you are an ‘Independent Business Owner’ says Bot Watch. Read their reasoning in this humorous piece.
Continue readingWe are used to seeing poor quality products being sold in MLMs. Which is why it can be puzzling to see a traditional business with well known, or even loved, products in an MLM way. Let’s have a look at some examples.
Continue readingBot Watch is here to provide an explanation on MLM and pyramid schemes. They also discuss their recent interview with the Voice of Islam Drive Time podcast.
Continue readingBot Watch has been contacted by some very concerned people who have been involved in InteleTravel, the “Independent Travel Agent” MLM. Bot Watch investigates.
Continue readingIn 2017, Bot Watch wrote about how Isagenix were preparing to launch in the UK. In this article, they take a look at the ‘exciting opportunity’ through the cold, hard facts supplied by Isagenix themselves.
Continue readingNetwork Marketing/ social selling/ Multi Level Marketing (MLM), whatever you want to call it will never work. What I mean
Continue readingBot Watch has composed some handy complaint letter templates, for combating MLMs at jobs fairs, school fetes etc.
Continue readingBot Watch uses their training in clinical research to provide a critical analysis of a Slenderiix & Xceler8 paper.
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