MLM and crank magnetism

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This is a guest post by antiMLM juggler extraordinaire, AcroTrekker:

Have you ever wondered how it is that some people end up falling deep into the rabbit hole of multi-level marketing? And no matter what, they can’t get out, and seem to accumulate more bad ideas the longer they stay in?

They’re not just doing this as a side gig, or even as a business ⁠— their entire life is devoted to their chosen MLM or MLMs. It’s all they talk about and all they live for. Everything they say is either a slogan or mantra about their MLM, or about success, or having the right mindset to achieve success.

Anything perceived as “negative” or interfering with their pathway to success is something or someone they are at war with. They will end friendships or cut off family if they aren’t supportive of their “journey” into the abyss of unreason.

Because of how MLMs are structured, and the extreme and outrageous behavior of many MLM representatives, the MLM business structure has been described as a cult by many experts. The absolutist thinking, the infallible charismatic leader, being told to not trust outsiders, the mindset coaching, the mantras ⁠— these are all telltale signs of a cult.

But cults and cult-like thinking do not occur in a vacuum. MLM is both a cult as well as a sub-culture that celebrates wishful thinking and a plethora of bad ideas that will leave you broke, friendless, sick, and possibly a conspiracy theorizing nut-job.

Read the whole article over at AcroTrekker



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