Collaboration: Network Marketing is a Cult

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This article is a collaboration between Bot Watch and anti-MLM ally John Evans of MLM Lies Exposed. It provides an analysis of what a cult is and how MLMs fit the criteria. This is quite a stressful read if you have been involved, but things may make a bit more sense to you after reading.

Let’s not tiptoe around the subject. Many people are afraid to stand up and say MLMs are cults because they are concerned they will be labelled ridiculous or over reacting and not be taken seriously. I will say it. MLMs are cults. Here is why.

Many observers have commented on how MLMs seem cultish. They notice how their friends seem to change their personalities and their lives are consumed by spreading their opportunity. Their social network feeds are full of inanely smiling people, untruths and details of conferences that look very culty. But what do the experts say on the subject? Is there any truth in the theory?

Read the full article here.

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